Saturday, March 31, 2007

Podcasting (Week 9, Exercise 21)

I searched around for library-related podcasts and found quite a few, like the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Video Library podcast (they already have over 300 episodes). I noticed quite a few podcasts related to author readings at libraries and the like. My first introduction to podcasts was the pretty well-known Mugglecast (devoted to the Harry Potter books). I thought it was amazing that a group of young adults were able to get together to discuss a topic and receive so much support for their efforts. They actually have sponsors, whom they promote during the episodes with quick commercial-like shout-outs. They are actually that popular. Unfortunately, Mugglecast does not have an RSS feed. Anyway, I enjoy podcasts mostly when the people actually get down to business and start the program (i.e. that commercials can be a little annoying). Anyway, using is very beneficial in just showing the range of podcasts out there, and using the subject directories was pretty simple. I added the podcast Open Stacks to Bloglines.

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